Karma planning is a profound concept that encompasses every aspect of our lives, including the food we consume. In his enlightening discourse, Param Gurudev delves into the intricate relationship between our dietary choices and the karma we accumulate. By understanding and practising mindful eating, we can influence our spiritual journey positively. This approach not only fosters physical health but also nurtures our spiritual well-being, aligning our daily habits with our higher purpose.

The Significance of Food in Karma Planning

Food is not merely a means to satiate hunger; it is a vital element in our karma planning. The choices we make about what to eat, how to eat, and the emotions we associate with food all contribute to our karmic footprint. Param Gurudev emphasises the importance of selecting sattvic food, which is pure, non-violent, and promotes spiritual growth. Such choices help in cultivating positive karma, as they reflect our intent to live a life of non-violence and compassion.

The Dog and the Dry Bone: An Analogy

One of the key insights shared by Param Gurudev is the analogy of a dog chewing a dry bone. The dog believes it is getting nourishment, but in reality, it is only tasting its own blood from the cuts in its mouth. This metaphor highlights how we often chase illusory satisfaction through unhealthy food choices, leading to negative karmic consequences. It serves as a reminder to seek true nourishment that aligns with our spiritual goals rather than temporary satisfaction that may harm us in the long run.

Choosing Sattvic Food for Positive Karma

To avoid this, we must engage in karma planning with our food. This involves being aware of the source and nature of our food, ensuring it is free from harm and violence. Sattvic food, which includes fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains, nourishes not only the body but also the soul, fostering positive karma. By choosing such foods, we support our physical health and spiritual purity, contributing to a harmonious existence.

Our attachment and aversion to certain foods also play a significant role in our karma. Param Gurudev advises us to cultivate a neutral attitude towards food, free from excessive likes and dislikes. This detachment helps us make healthier and more ethical food choices, aligning our diet with our spiritual goals. It encourages us to eat for nourishment rather than for pleasure or indulgence, thus maintaining balance and discipline.

The Power of Giving Food

Furthermore, the act of giving food to others is a powerful karma planning tool. When we offer pure and sattvic food to others, we not only accumulate positive karma but also inspire others to adopt a similar lifestyle. This practice of mindful giving and receiving food creates a ripple effect of positive karma, benefiting both the giver and the receiver. Sharing food becomes an act of love and compassion, strengthening community bonds and spreading positive energy.

Mindful Eating Habits

In addition to choosing the right food, it is crucial to plan our eating habits mindfully. Eating with gratitude and mindfulness enhances the karmic value of our meals. Taking the time to bless the food and acknowledge its journey to our plate fosters a deeper connection with our sustenance and reinforces our commitment to karma planning. This practice helps us appreciate the effort and resources that go into our food, fostering a sense of gratitude and responsibility.

Addressing Common Questions about Karma and Food

Param Gurudev also addresses common questions about karma and food, providing practical advice on how to navigate the complexities of dietary choices. He underscores the importance of consistency in our karma planning efforts, reminding us that every meal is an opportunity to cultivate positive karma. By maintaining a regular practice of mindful eating, we can gradually transform our relationship with food and make choices that support our spiritual growth.

Practical Tips for Karma Planning with Food

  1. Choose Sattvic Foods: Incorporate fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts into your diet. Avoid processed foods and those with high levels of violence and harm.
  2. Practice Gratitude: Before eating, take a moment to express gratitude for the food. Acknowledge the journey it has taken to reach your plate.
  3. Mindful Eating: Eat slowly and mindfully, savouring each bite. This helps in better digestion and allows you to fully appreciate the food.
  4. Neutral Attitude: Cultivate a neutral attitude towards food. Avoid strong likes and dislikes, and instead focus on the nourishment it provides.
  5. Share Pure Food: Offer sattvic food to others. This act of giving promotes positive karma and encourages others to adopt healthier eating habits.

The Impact of Food on Emotions and Karma

Our emotions and thoughts while eating significantly impact our karma. Negative emotions like anger, frustration, or greed while eating can taint the food’s purity, leading to negative karmic consequences. Param Gurudev advises maintaining a calm and peaceful mind during meals to ensure that the food’s energy remains positive. This approach not only enhances the nutritional value of the food but also helps in maintaining mental and emotional balance.

The Ripple Effect of Pure Food

The practice of giving and receiving pure food has a ripple effect on our karma. When we consistently choose and share sattvic food, we create a cycle of positive karma that benefits not only ourselves but also our community. This cycle strengthens our spiritual growth and aligns us more closely with our higher self. It also fosters a culture of mindfulness and compassion, encouraging others to follow suit.


Karma planning through food is a holistic approach that integrates our dietary choices with our spiritual aspirations. By choosing sattvic food, practising detachment from likes and dislikes, and sharing pure food with others, we can significantly influence our karma and spiritual journey. Param Gurudev’s teachings guide us towards a mindful and ethical approach to eating, encouraging us to see food as a means to nurture both body and soul. By adopting these practices, we can create a positive impact on our lives and the world around us.