On 28th June, 2013, I suffered from a stroke where I lost my vision entirely. I was rushed to the hospital, and after some time, I managed to regain 50% of my vision. However, it was far from normal. It was a very challenging time for us, as my consulting neurologist had informed us that patients who suffer from a stroke in that area of the brain can never regain their vision, even with the most advanced technology. Doctors were trying their best to revive my eyesight, but there was no significant improvement or hope.

The only person we could recall in this testing moment was Param Gurudev. We got in touch with him and described my condition. He advised us to recite Shree Uvasaggaharam Stotra and blessed us in a reassuring voice, “Don’t worry, just keep chanting the mantra. Everything will be okay.” In those crucial hours, his mere words, ‘No tension!’ were like medicine for me. I began chanting the mantra with full faith. The following 36 hours were unbelievable. I could see bright, neon lights constantly while chanting the mantra. I felt like I was sitting right in front of him in person, at Pawandham, Mumbai, and as though those lights were trying to reconnect and heal my damaged nerves. After those 36 hours, I regained my vision 100%. It was a recovery that surprised even the most expert surgeons here in the USA. I firmly believe this was possible only because of Param Gurudev’s blessings and his sadhana energy. Uvasaggaharam Stotra is a phenomenal energy that has the power to make even the impossible, possible. 

Today, I have my driver’s license back, and I have zero dependency on anybody. With Param Gurudev’s guidance, I gave up smoking, started eating right and adopted a healthy lifestyle. The mere thought of how my life would have been without my eyesight, makes me feel nervous. I am very grateful to Param Gurudev for helping me regain my precious eyesight. 


  • Shri Vijay ji Shah, Virginia (USA)