Back in 2011, when I was still a sadhak, Param Gurudev’s chaturmas was in a small village called Chinchan. One evening, my parents had come for Param Gurudev’s darshan. Param Gurudev looked at me and said, “Drashty will also go with you back to Mumbai today.” I did not want to return, because every moment spent in Param Gurudev’s sanidhya was very precious. So I requested him and insisted that I wished to stay back. Param Gurudev did not say anything, and I took his silence for a yes. 

That evening after sunset, all of a sudden, my legs became absolutely numb. I was sitting on the floor, and I just couldn’t get up, however hard I tried. Everybody around me became worried. But one of our senior didis asked us all to calm down. She stayed with me throughout the night and chanted Shree Uvasaggaharam Stotra. I was very nervous, but she was unusually calm. Time went by, and my health slowly started improving. By the next morning, I was completely okay. But I couldn’t understand what happened. 

My questions were answered the following day. Before I could ask anything, Param Gurudev revealed to me, “Drashty, yesterday your karmas were such that you were going to suffer severe burns on your entire body. But those karmas were kshetra vipaki, meaning that they could affect you only in this particular location. If you had left for Mumbai, they wouldn’t affect you. That’s why I asked you to go with your parents. However, you insisted on staying back. And so, I cautioned another didi that your health may deteriorate, but she need not worry as I was going to be in my sadhana to protect you and destroy your karmas.”

At that moment, I felt like a small child who had no idea how, when and what form the Guru assumes to take care of his shishya. Tears of gratitude started flowing from my eyes. I realised that comprehending his vision was beyond my capability. From that day, I vowed to develop argument-less acceptance towards every agna that he blesses me with, irrespective of whether I like it or not, whether I understand it or not. Because Param Gurudev’s agna is solely for our benefit, there is never a trace of self-interest in any agna that he gives!


– Param Pavitraji Mahasatiji (previously Sadhak Drashty didi Desai)