My health was absolutely okay. But all of a sudden, in June 2013, I suffered from a severe slipped disc. For four months, I was completely bedridden in the hospital. My father, Gulabbhai, had consulted India’s topmost surgeons, but they all said, “This patient will never be able to recover. She will have to deal with a lifetime paralysis-like condition.” 

When my father shared my health condition with Param Gurudev, he gave him his own black akkalber mala from his rajoharan. The mala was energised with his sadhana energy, and he asked me to recite Shree Uvasaggaharam Stotra on it. I began chanting it 24×7. When I recall those days today, I felt that the mala was much more than a mere rosary. It had a micro energy which was affecting the micro cells of my body. Its positive vibrations were so powerful that they began healing me from within.

One day, Dr. Mukhi visited me in the hospital. Until then, even he was of the opinion that I wouldn’t achieve independent mobility ever again. But that day, his eyes fell on the black mala, and he asked me, “What is this?” I said, “This is my Guruji’s mala.” After seeing that, he told me, “Your Guru is your protector. Who can possibly make you bedridden?” I didn’t understand what he was trying to say. So I asked, “What does that mean?” He said, “I know your Guru. You have worn his mala, isn’t it? You will get well very soon. Mark my words!

Dr. Mukhi, one of India’s senior-most orthopaedic surgeons and a significant name in medical science and research, was saying this! It was next to impossible to hear such words from him. Later on, we learned that Param Gurudev himself was present during the foundation of his hospital, and the land had been energised with his positive vibrations. Dr. Mukhi himself had experienced several miraculous patient recoveries with the grace of Param Gurudev’s profound sadhana, so he was aware of his spiritual energies. And his words came true. Today, I am completely alright. I am standing on my feet only because of Param Gurudev, his deep sadhana, and the sheer positivity he induced in me through his mala. I can never thank him enough for this new life that he has given me. Even the doctors who advised me complete bed rest, say that my recovery is beyond their imagination! 


– Rachna Meisheri, Mumbai