In 2018, my parents took me to Param Gurudev for darshan as I was going to London to pursue my further studies. He said one thing to me, “You may go, but promise me, you will never do anything wrong.” My parents were very worried about me, but on my behalf, he reassured them that I would be fine. 

I settled in London and my student life began. Months passed by, and one day, I met a few friends in the evening. We were chitchatting, and at that time, someone pulled out cigarettes. Someone else got beer. They offered it to me too. One of them said, “Try it once…” and even I was tempted to try it. I thought to myself, “I will have it just once, what’s the harm in trying?” And my hand went forward for that glass of beer. But at that very moment, I saw the mala which Param Gurudev had given me. It was as though a strong inner voice was pulling me back from inside, “Isha, will someone like you do this?” On seeing the mala, I remembered Param Gurudev’s words, “Promise me that you will never do anything wrong, I am sending you there on my responsibility!”

I pulled back my hand, the temptation to TASTE things was gone. My friends asked me what happened? And I said, “This is against my religion.” They laughed at me and said, “Come on Isha, this is the 21st century. Nobody believes in such things today.” I said, “I do… And I have promised my Godfather that I will never do anything wrong.” That day, they mocked me and made fun of me. But I was very calm. I did not give any reaction and with a smile on my face, I walked away from there. Normally, I would get very frustrated if something like this would happen. But Param Gurudev’s mala protected me not just from going on a wrong path, it empowered me not to sway in any negative emotions on being provoked by anybody. Thank you Param Gurudev for always being an invisible eye that looks after me, wherever I am!

– Isha Parekh, London