In March 2023, Shri Dharmeshbhai Shah (MD, Unicorn Global) had arrived for Param Gurudev’s darshan at Pawandham, Mumbai. Although he would try, he wouldn’t get a chance to go ahead and converse with Param Gurudev. This continued for two days. Then, on the third day, Param Gurudev himself called him ahead and said, 

“Dharmeshbhai, I have been observing you for the past 2 days. I think your health is not good. The months of July and August are life-threatening for you; you will face problems. I am giving you a mantra sadhana that you must do every day. After completing your mantra sadhana, send me daily a message that you have completed your sadhana. Shubham Bhavah!”

At that time, Dharmeshbhai’s health was absolutely normal from a clinical perspective. All his reports were perfectly okay. However, Dharmeshbhai knew that the abnormalities which cannot be detected by modern medical equipment, can be detected in one glance by this visionary sadhana purush. He started practising daily mantra sadhana which Param Gurudev had blessed him with. 

The month of July arrived, and one day, Dharmeshbhai started experiencing severe pain early in the morning at about 3:00-3:30 am. But the moment doctors gave him a medicine, his heart couldn’t take it, and he collapsed. Doctors had even indicated that, most likely, he is no more. 

At that time, his wife, Falguni didi suddenly recollected Param Gurudev’s words, “You ought to be careful in the months of July and August.” She instantly contacted Shri Paragbhai Shah who got in touch with Param Gurudev and informed him about everything.

On receiving the message, Param Gurudev immediately spoke to Falguni didi. She was very tensed and said that all the lines measuring Dharmeshbhai’s vital signs had become straight. Param Gurudev only said, “Give me 5 minutes… everything will be okay.” And within 5 minutes, Dharmeshbhai started responding to all the resuscitation efforts. Slowly, his vitals also returned to normal and his ECG graph also became stable. 

A satpurush’s heart is very gentle, but his words are as powerful as the vajra weapon. Whatever he says becomes like a text inscribed and engraved on a stone! When Param Gurudev says, “Everything will be okay!” his words never fail. That’s because he infuses his entire sadhana energy in those words. He had alerted Dharmeshbhai about his karmas well in advance and even given him a solution to get through that period. 

On seeing Dharmeshbhai return from the jaws of death, Falguni didi’s eyes became moist with utmost reverence towards Param Gurudev. Expressing her gratitude towards him, she said, “I cannot thank him enough! I firmly believe that it is only because of the timely indication we received from Param Gurudev and his unfailing sadhana energy, that I have seen Dharmesh get a new lease of life!”