In the sacred discourse delivered during Paryushan 2022, Param Gurudev Shree Namramuni Maharaj Saheb sheds light on the concept of ego and its profound impact on spiritual growth. This discourse delves into the importance of humility, surrender, and the dissolution of ego to achieve inner peace and self-realisation.

Understanding Ego and Its Implications

Ego, as described by Param Gurudev, is the primary obstacle on the path to spiritual enlightenment. It is the sense of self-importance that distances us from the divine. In the discourse, it is emphasised that ego creates a barrier between the soul and ultimate bliss. By clinging to our identities and achievements, we hinder our spiritual progress.

The ego manifests in various ways, including pride in one’s knowledge, achievements, and possessions. This attachment to the self creates a false sense of superiority and separateness from others and the divine. Understanding and recognising the signs of ego is the first step towards its dissolution.

The Significance of Surrender

One of the key teachings given by gurudev is the importance of surrender. Surrendering to the divine means letting go of our ego and embracing a higher power. This act of surrender is not a sign of weakness but a demonstration of true strength and faith. It is through surrender that we align ourselves with the divine will and open the doors to spiritual awakening.

Surrender involves a conscious decision to trust and accept the divine plan. It means acknowledging that we are not the ultimate controllers of our lives and that there is a higher wisdom at play. This acceptance brings a sense of peace and liberation, freeing us from the burdens of ego-driven desires and fears.

Humility: The Path to Divinity

Humility is highlighted as a vital attribute for spiritual seekers. Humility allows us to recognize the limitations of our ego and the boundless potential of the divine. By practising humility, we cultivate a mindset of learning and growth, paving the way for deeper spiritual insights.

Humility involves acknowledging our imperfections and being open to learning from others. It is the willingness to accept that we are part of a larger whole and that our true worth is not defined by our ego. Through humility, we can connect more deeply with others and the divine, fostering a sense of unity and love.

Practical Steps to Overcome Ego

Param Gurudev provides practical steps to overcome ego. These include self-reflection, mindfulness, and continuous learning. Engaging in regular spiritual practices such as meditation and prayer helps in dissolving the ego. Additionally, serving others selflessly and acknowledging the contributions of others foster humility and reduce egoistic tendencies.

Self-reflection involves examining our thoughts, actions, and motivations to identify ego-driven behaviours. Mindfulness helps us stay present and aware of our ego’s influence, allowing us to make conscious choices that align with our spiritual values. Continuous learning keeps us humble, reminding us that there is always more to understand and experience.

The Role of Devotion and Faith

Devotion and faith are integral to the spiritual journey. The discourse emphasises that unwavering faith in the Guru and the divine accelerates the process of ego dissolution. Devotion transforms the heart, making it receptive to divine grace and wisdom.

Faith provides a strong foundation for spiritual practice. It gives us the courage to let go of our ego and trust in the divine. Devotion, expressed through prayer, chanting, and acts of service, deepens our connection with the divine and strengthens our resolve to overcome the ego.

Illustrative Stories and Analogies

To elucidate the concept of ego and its impact, Param Gurudev shares various stories and analogies. One such analogy compares the ego to a river merging into the ocean. Just as the river loses its identity upon merging with the ocean, a seeker loses the ego upon merging with the divine.

Another story highlights the transformation of a devotee who, through surrender and humility, overcomes his ego and experiences divine bliss. These stories serve as powerful reminders of the possibilities that await us when we transcend our ego and embrace our true nature.

Embracing the Journey of Self-Realisation

The journey of self-realisation is a continuous process of shedding ego and embracing our true, divine nature. It requires patience, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to spiritual growth. By integrating the teachings of Param Gurudev into our daily lives, we can steadily move towards a state of inner peace and fulfilment.

This journey involves facing our fears and insecurities, understanding the root causes of our ego, and making conscious efforts to align our thoughts and actions with our spiritual values. It is a path of transformation that leads us from the limitations of the ego to the boundless freedom of the soul.


The discourse by Param Gurudev Shree Namramuni Maharaj Saheb during Paryushan 2022 offers profound insights into the nature of ego and the path to spiritual growth. By embracing humility, practising surrender, and cultivating devotion, we can transcend the limitations of the ego and achieve inner peace and self-realisation. This journey, though challenging, is ultimately rewarding, leading us to a deeper connection with the divine and a more fulfilling life.