In our fast-paced world, Param Gurudev’s teachings guide us towards spiritual growth and inner peace. He emphasises the paramount importance of controlling our thoughts and embracing the right vision. By mastering our minds, we can unshackle ourselves from the bondage of karma and attain spiritual harmony. Param Gurudev’s compassionate wisdom illuminates the path to personal well-being, revealing how adopting the right perspective and controlling our mental chatter can lead to profound transformation. His guidance serves as a beacon, reminding us of the eternal truths that nurture our spiritual journey.

Different Views and Perspectives

According to Param Gurudev, individuals hold varying perspectives in different situations. He highlights that life’s experiences, whether joyful or sorrowful, are perceived differently by each person. This perception, or ‘Drishti’, plays a crucial role in shaping our actions and karmic bonds.

Param Gurudev explains that two individuals might view the same deity in a temple differently, leading to varied emotional responses. While one may feel deep devotion and connection, the other might simply admire the beauty of the idol. This difference in perception underscores the importance of cultivating the right vision, or ‘Samyak Darshan’.

The Importance of Samyak Darshan

Param Gurudev says: ‘Samyak Darshan’, or right vision, is a fundamental concept in Jain philosophy. It represents the correct understanding and perception of reality, free from delusions and misconceptions. Param Gurudev emphasises that developing Samyak Darshan is essential for spiritual growth and reducing karmic bondage.

He uses the analogy of looking through different windows to illustrate how our perspectives shape our experiences. By cultivating the right vision, we can see beyond superficial appearances and understand the true nature of reality. This shift in perception can lead to more harmonious relationships and a deeper sense of peace.

Controlling the Mind

Param Gurudev emphasises, One of the key teachings is the importance of controlling the mind. He explains that our thoughts and emotions significantly impact our actions and karmic bonds. An uncontrolled mind, constantly producing negative thoughts and emotions, leads to increased karmic accumulation.

To control the mind, Param Gurudev advises practising mindfulness and self-reflection. By regularly examining our thoughts and actions, we can identify and eliminate negative patterns. This practice helps in maintaining mental purity and reduces the influence of negative karma.

Practical Steps for Mind Control

Param Gurudev provides practical advice on controlling the mind and thoughts. He suggests starting with small, manageable steps, such as setting aside time for daily meditation and self-reflection. This practice helps in calming the mind and focusing on positive, constructive thoughts.

He also emphasises the importance of regular spiritual discipline, or ‘Sadhana’. Engaging in daily spiritual practices, such as chanting, meditation, and reading scriptures, helps in purifying the mind and reinforcing positive habits. Over time, these practices lead to greater mental clarity and spiritual growth.

Environmental Awareness and Spiritual Practice

According to Param Gurudev, he drew a parallel between spiritual practice and environmental awareness. He would highlight the importance of conserving water and using natural resources responsibly. Just as controlling the mind requires mindfulness and discipline, so does environmental conservation.

Param Gurudev would explain that by being mindful of our water usage and reducing waste, we contribute to the well-being of the planet. This practice not only benefits the environment but also reinforces the principles of non-violence and compassion central to Jain philosophy

Practical Tips for Water Conservation

Param Gurudev provides practical tips for conserving water and being mindful of the environment. He suggests simple steps, such as using a bucket instead of a shower, fixing leaks promptly, and reusing water where possible. These actions help in reducing water wastage and protecting natural resources.

He also encourages practising ‘Ahimsa’ (non-violence) in our daily lives by minimising harm to the environment. This practice aligns with the spiritual principle of reducing karmic bondage by avoiding actions that cause harm to other living beings.

Embracing Mindfulness and Spiritual Discipline

Param Gurudev concludes his discourse by emphasising the importance of mindfulness and spiritual discipline. He encourages his followers to embrace regular spiritual practices and maintain a mindful approach to daily activities. By doing so, we can achieve a state of mental purity and spiritual growth.

Param Gurudev reminds us that true spiritual progress comes from within, through the cultivation of right vision and controlled thoughts. By embracing these principles, we can lead a more harmonious and fulfilling life, free from the burdens of negative karma.


Param Gurudev’s discourse provides profound insights into the importance of controlling the mind and embracing the right vision. By practising mindfulness and spiritual discipline, we can achieve mental clarity and spiritual growth. His teachings remind us of the interconnectedness of our actions, thoughts, and the environment, and the importance of living a life rooted in compassion and awareness.

As we navigate the complexities of life, let us remember the teachings of Param Gurudev and strive to cultivate Samyak Darshan and mental purity. By doing so, we can reduce karmic bondage and achieve a state of spiritual harmony and peace.

Param Gurudev says: Embrace the teachings of Jain philosophy, and discover the path to a more enlightened and harmonious existence.